Sunday, March 27, 2011
Need some help from the ladies!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I'm not gonna lie:)

Last Saturday I went to see Beastly with Danny. I read the book and fell in-love with it so of course I almost jumped out of my seat when I heard it was being made into a movie. While the movie didn't compare to the book, it was still pretty fantastic. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the dialogue. TEENAGERS DO NOT TALK LIKE THAT!! The people in this movie were so poetic. While I wish that everybody spoke like this (because I'm sure the world would be so beautiful if they did) it got on my nerves. Danny and I snuck in food- because we're cheap. We hid grasshopper cookies in my purse. I had the purse in my lap which restricted him from holding my hand. Eventually he grabbed my purse and put it on the floor.
We sat in the parking lot for about an hour after the movie waiting for our parents to pick us up. I was so tired that I laid my head on his shoulder- he kind of loved that. On the ride home, we sat there holding hands while I contemplated what I was about to do over and over in my head. Finally, I brought his hand up to my face and kissed it. He smiled really big and told me that I practically made his forget his name. He kissed my hand after that. Then he wrapped his arm around me and I think I almost fell asleep there, I was really comfortable. I'll see him next week and I'm very excited. I like Danny:)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Welcome to a main land sunset
Aloha Ladies,
It seems like it's been a life time since the last time I actually sat down and posted. I bet you guys are suuupppper angry about that- I wouldn't blame you if you were. Life just seems to be getting more and more hectic lately. The last couple of months of school are always horrendous until the last day. AND now I have a boy, who by the way is pretty wonderful, that requires a lot of my time as well. He will probably be the main topic of most blog posts because he's usually the only thing really interesting going on in my life. Okay so maybe I went to Hawaii over Spring Break- I'm guessing that could have been something interesting. Honestly, and I'm trying not to complain here, I had a horrible time. Why, you may ask? Well the only reason why my grandmother and I went, was to see my brother. My brother is always in such a bad mood and his wife is too. It's just hard to stomach being around them for more then a couple of hours. I'm always in a bad mood after- I feel sick just thinking about being around them. And then I have to sit in the hotel room and listen to my grandmother talk about how Marc is the greatest child on the planet. In her eyes, Marc never does anything wrong but I can never do anything right. It makes me so angry! It was a nine hour flight both ways. I'm trying not complain, I mean Hawaii was great, when I was alone. Everbody else there kind of ruined for me. I'll post more about Hawaii later because I have a LOT of blogs to make up. Alright bloggies, I'll talk to you super soon.
It seems like it's been a life time since the last time I actually sat down and posted. I bet you guys are suuupppper angry about that- I wouldn't blame you if you were. Life just seems to be getting more and more hectic lately. The last couple of months of school are always horrendous until the last day. AND now I have a boy, who by the way is pretty wonderful, that requires a lot of my time as well. He will probably be the main topic of most blog posts because he's usually the only thing really interesting going on in my life. Okay so maybe I went to Hawaii over Spring Break- I'm guessing that could have been something interesting. Honestly, and I'm trying not to complain here, I had a horrible time. Why, you may ask? Well the only reason why my grandmother and I went, was to see my brother. My brother is always in such a bad mood and his wife is too. It's just hard to stomach being around them for more then a couple of hours. I'm always in a bad mood after- I feel sick just thinking about being around them. And then I have to sit in the hotel room and listen to my grandmother talk about how Marc is the greatest child on the planet. In her eyes, Marc never does anything wrong but I can never do anything right. It makes me so angry! It was a nine hour flight both ways. I'm trying not complain, I mean Hawaii was great, when I was alone. Everbody else there kind of ruined for me. I'll post more about Hawaii later because I have a LOT of blogs to make up. Alright bloggies, I'll talk to you super soon.
Monday, March 14, 2011
"It sure felt good when he was holding my hand."

I haven't posted in a long time! That's crazy because right now everything seems to be happening. I'll be leaving for Hawaii in 4 hours (Happy Spring Break by the way guys).
Yesterday I got a spray tan. I accidentally pressed the 'ready button' early on the spray tan shower thing so I had to put on the lotion in a my hands are orange. But beyond that, I like being tan (I'm gonna spray tan more).
Last, last night I went to a party with Danny (I know that's all you guys really care about). I'm surprised he actually came (he had to dress up and he didn't know anyone there!) but he went anyway. We got there and as soon as he left the table all my friends were like:
"He's so cute!"
"Good job Cassidy!"
"He has a dimple!"
"He's like BEAUTIFUL!"
My friends are pretty great. We slow danced...and that was a fail! It was to some country song (I wish I remembered) but neither of us can dance so it looked pretty bad. He was so afraid to put his hands on my waist to dance-it took three tries until he did. I had to look down so that I didn't step on his feet lol. It's was still a cute moment though. He got cute points:)
He held my hand. It was adorable the way he did it though. My friendMelissa was messing with him:
Melissa- "You're so cute I wanna, like, take you home and put you on my pillow!"
Danny- "Um, thanks?"
Me- "OH NO! He's going home on my pillow."
He grabbed my hand and pointed at it. Melissa stormed of in fake anger. He got more cute points:)
Later outside we sat and talked for a long time. He told me that I looked nice in my dress like 5 times and I thanked him 5 times. We talked a lot before then but then he finally asked:
Him-"What do you think about being my girlfriend?"
Me-"I would like to..."
Him-"So are we..." he trailed off
Me-"Are we facebook offical now?"
We held hands on the car ride home. No kiss. And I'm not going to kiss him for a while. Since he lives so far away it gives us the feeling like everything needs to be rushed but I won't let us be rushed.
Anyway guys, it's 3 in the morning and I'm leaving at 6. I still have to take a shower and pack my blow dryer and make up so I'll have to go. I'll blog on my Kindle (I can do that now!)
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