BAAAD COUPLE! Chad is a disgusting cheater who treats Amber like she's dirt. Somehow, Amber is convinced that she'll never do any better then Chad. He cheated on her more then 30 times but she continues to stay with him. Her friends have threatened to stop talking to her but she continues to stay with him. He hits her...but she continues to stay with him. Okay before you freak out completely, her parents now know that Chad hit her- that doesn't stop her though. She thinks she's so ugly and fat and no one will love her. When a guy cheats on you with TONS AND TONS of girls, in the boys bathroom, then he doesn't love you. If he loved you he wouldn't have done anything like that. There are so many guys out there who would love to be with Amber but she doesn't see that. She sees "Chad is my popular football player and I can't do any better..." and that's it! There ARE good guys out there, girls! I know it sounds like I'm bragging about Danny and I'm not trying to do that- I'm just saying there are good guys out there. I tried telling Amber that and she was like- "Shut up Cassidy! Just because you have your boyfriend doesn't mean you know anything! I thought my boyfriend was pretty great too."
And before I could cover my mouth I blurted out "Well at least my boyfriend doesn't stick his business in any random girl that'll let him!"
Amber laughed but she knew I was being serious. Don't let yourself fall into her situation because no one deserves the abuse that she takes everyday.You are beautiful and yolu deserve much better:)