
Saturday, July 30, 2011

T I M I N G.

Timing: it's very important.

It's 5 in the morning and I'm still awake because I spent the entire night talking to an ex crush(not gonna tell you who because that's not important).
NO there is not any sign of romance there, we just talked as friends. I admitted that I had a crush on him and he was in complete shock because guess what!!
HE HAD A CRUSH ON ME TOO! You never know.
It's really funny because you really NEVER know. I don't like him anymore and no way would I ever date him. It's just something you want to know...for like, closure...


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The countdown begins.

In less then a month my Sophomore year will start. And in a couple of days mom and I will go back to school shopping. Since I turned 12, back to school shopping has turned into a whole day of fighting because she wants to buy me clothes that are 3 sizes too big. And then she likes to complain that I never wear the clothes that she buys me.
I wonder why? Could it be that THEY DON'T FIT?!

I'm seriously looking forward to next year. I'm gonna rock it! (As lame as that sounds). I'm thinking about showing up next year and surprising EVERYONE. I always feel like this but this year I'm going to actually stay dedicated to it! I'm done with being awkward. I'm going to be confident. I'm just going to be myself and I'm gonna show everyone how KICKadd my personality is!:)

My favorite quote of the day: "Maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Messing with people on OMEGLE!!

It's summer and I don't have a car. I don't have a job. I'm not in any clubs. So needless to say, I get bored really really easily. I've always been good at relieving that boredom though.

Omegle is a website that you can just log onto (without giving any personal information) and talk to strangers. People mostly go on there to well...have 'Internet sex'. Which means it's full of pedophiles, perverts, and just plain creeps. This place may seem like a place that you would want to avoid...but not me!

Don't try this at home! But I do enjoy messing with people on omegle and trust me it is fun! Here are some of the best moments:

IT'S L A T E!♥

It is around 12:30 at night and I'm sitting in my room with absolutely nothing to do! FUN FUN FUN! Heres a little update on my life right now: I have strep throat. And yes it hurts like crazy! I'm kind of hoping that soon it'll get better. Mom makes me take all this HORRIBLE tasting medicine but hey, it numbs my throat. I hate how they try to flavor the medicine. Like seriously, that cherry TASTING chemical just masks the original taste of medicine with the taste of a crappy piece of candy. I don't know...maybe that's what they want to do.

Let's see...Oh! Me and Danny have been together for FOUR MONTHS.
Pretty crazy, huh? Time goes by really quickly when your boyfriend lives 36.4 miles away. It's funny to think that in just 2 more months we'd be together for half a year.

We're still going great!:)
We talk on the phone about every night, usually about nothing. But sometimes we'll sit and talk for hours about serious stuff. He says I make him laugh a lot (appararently I'm really funny...I don't see it...) and he makes me smile a lot. The other day I was surprised when he actually picked me up!
He's so skinny but he picked me up like it was nothing.

He was probably secretly dying, on the inside, because I weigh more then I look.

Oh and Marcus and Carissa are back living with us. Did I tell you that? Yeah, it's much better then it was. Carissa is being nice now:) and Marc is being better. Everything is okay:)


Hello ladies! I'm BAAAACCCKK! Did you miss me? You don't even have to answer that question because I know you did! I went back and read all my posts and realized that my energy went from 100.5% to 3.4%. AND WHO THE HECK WANTS TO READ A BLOG THAT'S ONLY 3.4% OF ENERGY?!?! No one, thats who! Seems like as soon as I started dating Danny my updating posts just went down! Yeah, well not anymore folks! I am still dating Danny BUT I will post more! And these posts will be the BEST FREAKING POSTS YOU HAVE EVER READ! Trust me!

The Posts that People Actually Read...