Well I haven't posted in a couple days so here comes the make-up post? Hm...things have happened, happened since. Let me start by saying that going to sleep early ROCKS! A couple days ago I went to sleep at 7:00 p.m. and woke up at 6:00 a.m. I haven't gotten that much sleep since summer. I jumped out of my bed and skipped to the shower (thats how much freaking energy I had).
My 7th period is English. The teacher is a dance coach, who for some reason does not like me. I give her no reason to...she just chooses to hate me. (I think she had a nose job) anyway we're about to read 'Lord of the Flies'. My mom rented the movie yesterday so that I would have a better understanding of the book. I watched it all the way up until all the little boys murdered another little boy because they thought he was a monster (horrible, right?). Then I talked to my friend Travy and he said that they end up eating eachother in the end (I doubt that. Travy is always trying to mess with me.)
Speaking of Travy, he knows....he knows about Scott. HE FORCED ME TO TELL HIM. He called me constantly until I finally told him. And he the only thing he says is "....okay...."
Okay? Okay?! That's all you say? You should know that he sent me 22 text messages, called me 18 times, and left 5 voicemails that just went "Tell me who is he?....Cassidy, tell me....cassidy....I thought friends tell eachother secrets....tell me...who is it?"
I've REALLY started to grow fond of him. I text Scott all the time now. On Wednesday I texted him ALL DAY. Every class period. For reals! Crazy right? We just talked about random things. Like the 80's and homie G's, concerts and Justin Bieber. Then I texted him a little on Thursday but he kept sending me texts that I couldn't really reply to. Like how do you reply when someone sends you this:
What am I susposed to send him a smiley face back?
On facebook he's been talking about this girl that he wants to be with but can't because it will start too much drama. *I day dreamed for a second that it was about me but I'm sure it wasn't. I sent him a text message asking him if he was okay.
This is what I got back (this will be slightly edited for the fact that he MIGHT see this):
Me: What's wrong? Tell me to shut up if you don't want to say.
Him: Shut up. Haha just kidding. I'll tell you later. I'm too tired to talk right now, I'm sorry. Goodnight. Lol and thanks for caring and...stalking me? Creepy? ;) jk.
Me: Anytime. ;D
He's cute right. I only edited it by changing the words around a little! Otherwise that was HIS words. I wonder who this girl is, don't you? *Wishful thinking* I wish our day dreams would come true.
Wake me up when September ends....
because God knows it's was a sucky month.
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