6. David Arquette- Hm...don't know what to say on this one.

She would be number one on my list! She is TOTALLY a douche bag. Thank ya!
Why must his songs be so catchy?
My friend Tori played this song for me at school on Friday. We continued to sing it ALL DAY long after that (replacing the cuss word with TRICK).
"Santa, you TRICK. I didn't get a thing on my Christmas list.."
So I heard Santa on my roof tonight. I totally saw it. No lie he was right there!
Why do you act so surprised? No I don't believe in Santa anymore but what if I did? It's fun believing in him :) You know: Things only exist when you believe in them. It's my motto.
We know Santa as the jolly, bearded man but who is he really?! It's said that Santa started as a man named Saint Nicholas. He gave gifts to needy children every year for Christmas. He also assisted prostitutes! Yes you heard me right! Not in a bad way.
He would give their father *cough* pimp *cough* money so that the father wouldn't sell the girl into slavery. He was a really sweet guy :)
Happy Holidays Guys!
Oh and sorry about the short, impersonal blogs! I know you guys miss Maggie and B and Melissa and Tori and Chase and Jake and Cute Vet Guy and ALL THESE PEOPLE. There's just not that much going on lately. Trust me, I'll have more to talk about later :)
So I am a die hard fan of the Beatles. And no I'm not one of the fakers that likes one song but wears their t-shirt everywhere so that people think they're deep.
I swear, if they found a way to bring George Harrison and John Lennon back to life for just ONE reunion concert I would sell my kidney for tickets! No lie.
Maybe, you've notice from my little pink playlist at the bottom of the page that I have a lot of 'Beatles' songs covered by the musical Across the Universe. While I do love that musical, if the real versions were on the website I would pick those instead. Just sayin.
What I love about the Beatles is that they haven't written a song that I haven't loved. And it seems as if every one of their songs has a secret coded message behind the lyrics.
Like the song Lucy in the sky with Diamonds:
I have a STRONG suspicion that song is about someone tripping on LSD.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Yeah...
I mean back in the 60's they couldn't write music as boldly as we do now. Everything had to be coded so that parents didn't realize that the songs were really about drugs or sex. So I wouldn't be shocked if their song I wanna hold your hand was really about sex.
You know *bragging time* my mother actually talked to George Harrison on the phone. George Harrison! Also known as MY FAVORITE BEATLE!
Mom worked in a law firm in the 90's or 80's (I don't really remember what date she said) but it was the time when he was in the Traveling Wilburrys
(along with Tom Petty who is also one of the greatest men on the planet!).
Mom said that he called introducing himself as 'Spike Wilbury' (which was his nickname for the band). Mom obliviously asked him for his real name.
He said in a British accent "George Harrison."
Mom was STILL oblivious that she was talking to a beatle. I mean how many British guys out there are named George Harrison, right?
She ended the conversation but as soon as she set the phone down her mind clicked! She jumped and said "OH...MY...GOD!"
So yeah...no big deal! ;)
So the Beatles are the bees knees!
My father and I always get into a fight about whose better: The Beatles or Micheal Jackson. He says Micheal Jackson because Micheal lasted for 40 years and the Beatles only lasted 4 or 5. Well that only proves the Beatles awesomeness BECAUSE of course Micheal is going to stay popular if he's always around. The Beatles have been over for 50 years and they STILL have a strong impact.
But I must admit...Micheal is pretty awesome too.
That's the basket!
That brings me to the topic of this blog: Trend Changes.
Before I get scolded for not posting in a while I've been very busy. Believe it or not it's exam week so I MUST study. I don't want to be a freshman again, right? THAT would be horrible.
I can not wait
until Monday
to tell all
my friends!
Wednesdays always seem the same to me. I'm not exactly sure why...but they do. Not this week. The fire alarm went off in my 3rd period today and it lasted until 5th period. THAT'S TWO HOURS! We went outside and waited for an hour until they decided something wrong happened to the system. THAT'S NOT WHATS IMPORTANT!
Do you know who Cute Vet Guy is? Well he's a senior and he volunteers at the vet
(sweet, right?) ANYWAY I saw him at the vet then I saw him at school the next day. He said "Hey, you were at the vet!" ever since then my stomach drops every time I see him. I SAW HIM TODAY! We were practically wearing the same thing. Okay so MAYBE we have a dress code....but still! We were both wearing a black shirt, white jacket, khaki pants, and tan shoes.
He walks past me and he does the nod thing (like all guys do) then he stops when he sees my outfit. He motions to his outfit and to mine.
He goes "We're so stylish."
I was like "Oh yeaah..."
We're going to get married and he's going to own his own vet. Then we're going to have three kids who grow up to be as beautiful as him...
JUST KIDDING GUYS!! Chill people, chill. Cute Vet boy isn't my new 'guy' I'm still trying to get over the last one. I saw Jake and his girlfriend together after school. I was kinda walking behind them *NO I WAS NOT FOLLOWING THEM....* I must admit that they are cute together.
I just wish Jake hadn't said that he wanted me...wait did I not tell you guys? When Travy
(Travy seems to be the messenger between me and Jake).
He asked Jake when he was going to ask out Sam* Jake's current girlfriend.
Jake replied "Don't tell anyone bro but..."
Travy says "I won't tell anyone!" LIAR
Jake goes "There's this other girl..."
"WHO?!" Travy calms himself "I mean...who?"
"...Cassidy..." Jake says
So yeah...now do you guys understand why I'm mad? Not the fact that he's dating her but that he picked her over me. Ya get it?
Oh AND I'm getting really annoyed by the fact that people keep on saying that Travy and I are dating. IT'S ANNOYING! I think Travy has a little bit of a crush on me but he won't do anything...I know he won't because we're super close. So Travy and I decided say we're second cousins. So if anyone is like "Look at the cute couple." we can be like "THAT'S INCEST!"
Flawless plan...