We're probably not spending Christmas with the rest of the family. Evelyn (my 'grandmother') hasn't called about it so...I guess we're spending Christmas alone with my real grandmother.
I'm excited for Christmas! Maybe, so that all the drama in our family will END.
Every year there is drama on Christmas! I think the only year where there hasn't been drama was the year my uncle died. Sad, right? My family is super disfunctional. Well at least a part of it is.
My brother is so lucky! He and Carissa are happily over in Hawaii a couple thousand miles away from Larry and Evelyn -_-.
Obviously I have issues with my 'grandparents'. I don't even call them my grandparents anymore because it just doesn't feel right. The short side of the story is: Evelyn and Larry like my cousins better. They have ALWAYS been like that. My brother doesn't even talk to them anymore because of it.
They have always invited my cousins over for trips, never invited me or my brother.
They call them constantly and are all super sappy.
They ALWAYS spend all their money on my cousins.
Really though, I don't care. If they're not going to put forth the effort then I'm not. And I don't resent my cousins for it either, they are adorable :).
The only reason why I even go to their house is for my Uncle Joey and my Aunt Brittnea.
Larry and Evelyn adopted two disabled children (and no they didn't do it to 'be good people' they did it because it makes them more money, words straight from their mouths).
Joey and Britnea are the sweetest kids you will EVER meet. They are so kind and loving!
Joey is nine and he is a parapellgic *I know I didn't spell that right*. And Britnea is 19 and is mentally challenged. Brittnea is really sweet! And Joey has this personality that just shines through. I'm sad that I won't see them this year.
But I'm happy that I don't have to see Larry and Evelyn.
But I guess every family has it's thing, right?
screw them anyway
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