There's another boy...
Yeah, yeah, yeah I know that you guys are all currently screaming at the computer screen
Yes, there is another boy but trust me it gets worse. This boys name is Logan. Sound familiar? He's also Corey's best friend. Oh, but that's not even the best part; he is the reason why Clayton hates me. Oh wait, and if that wasn't enough; LOGAN LIVES IN ILLINOIS.
Yeah, I bet your jaw just hit the floor after reading that. Isn't that ridiculous? Aren't I just the smartest freaking girl on the planet?!
So I guess I should explain what happened:
Logan used to live in Texas not too long ago. He was always best friends with Corey but he never really came around me too much until one night when Tori, Corey, Ben, Logan, & I went to the movies together (it's weird that Corey, Logan, and Ben were all in the same room together). We ended up seeing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (which is a good movie if you count out all the rape scenes & the weirdness).
The first thing I noticed about Logan was his shoes. He was wearing colorful Osiris' and to this day that is the only thing I can really remember about what he was wearing. Logan didn't speak much, mostly kept to himself, occasionally saying some things to Corey.
All & all everyone seemed to be having a good time.
My night ended up sucking however because my boyfriend at the time (Ben) was being a jerk to everyone and I got super embarrassed. Ben even grabbed my head and forced me to kiss him infront of my friends, knowing my debilitating hate for public displays of affection. He was just ridiculous that night.
Finally, after not saying more then a couple words that night, Logan screamed "OH MY GOD DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!" at Ben. And even though I knew I should've been mad at Logan, I thought it was the funniest thing ever.
After that Logan showed up every now & then, not really saying more than a couple of words to me. I remember that one day he passed me in the hallway, flailed his arms in the air , and yelled "Blonde girl!"
I mirrored him and said "Logan!"
Then he laughed at me and walked away. That was the most recognition I could get out of him until my birthday... On my birthday, my parents gave me an Xbox 360. Nerdy, right? Well I love it. Along with the Xbox, they also got xbox live. Immediately Corey made add him and Logan. That night, he had said more then he had ever before: explaining to me that he found me attractice and the he did not care who knew it.
The rest of the year I don't remember that clearly. I remember walking with him in the hallway once. Then I remember the day when he moved away to Illinois to live with his dad. It was a sad day , for sure. Corey was very upset about it.
Logan and I still talked on Xbox live almost daily. He had a girlfriend at the time and I was of course talking to somebody but we stayed in communication, we even started texting. It wasn't until I started talking to Clayton when Logan started showing me his true feelings for me.
In August, Logan came down to Texas to visit for a little while. He, Corey, and I went to Texas Roadhouse and saw a movie together. It was pretty fun actually. I got to meet Logan's moms (yes MOMS as in plural. his mom is a lesbian). After the movie, Logan drove over to his house and we hung out there until Corey had to go home. Once Corey left, Logan drove me home.
But the closer and closer we got to my house the more I started to realize that I didn't want to get out of his car.
And secretly I wondered what he would do if I kissed him.
But sadly, I didn't.
A couple weeks later I admitted my true feelings for him as he did for me. I practically dumped Clayton for him. Logan was just too incredible to give up. Illinois or not, I'm not letting the oppurtunity to be with the amazing boy go away. I wish I could express to ya'll how amazing this guy truely is.
He asked me to be his girlfriend but I refused because I believed it was too early but...
On Friday, I sent him a letter asking him to by my boyfriend.
He got it yesterday.
He said yes.

Let's hope this one lasts...
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