My parents and I went to Costco today (sounds lamee I know) If you don't know what costco is; it's a store. But it's a store that sells EVERYTHING and it sells everything in giant packages. Like say you wanted to buy some bread. Well, you're not just buying one load oh-no you are buying 5 loafs in one package and it'll be the same price as the other stores.
Needless to say, Costco is flipping awesome!! But the best thing about costco is that there are a lot of hot guys who are working there as a summer job.
Here are some Costco stories from this morning:
My dad was like "Hey go get me a bag of powdered suger." So I walked down about 8 aisles to find the stupid sugar because they moved things around. Then I finally see the bag of powdered sugar and I just think "Really?" because it is not a small bag! It was a 10 pound bag!! (crazy right? no one needs that much sugar). Me being stupid, I thought that since it was powder then it wasn't going to weigh a lot........WRONG. I picked up the bag and fell straight to the ground. Suddenly I hear someone laughing! The first thing I thought was "Jerk!" and I as getting ready to stand up and give him a dirty look. But he helped me up. I looked at him and he was CUTE! (He had the swooshy hair and everything) He was still laughing at me "Do you need help?" he asked. He picked up the bag and helped me take it to the cart. His name was Greg (it said so on his name tag) my mom told the manager what he did....I hope he got a raise or something (maybe a gold star :D).
Later, I was looking at the book section because my parents were off looking at plates or something. A group of little girls were looking at the books too (they were like 10 or 11) and they were looking for the Twilight books. I was just standing there randomly staring into the stacks of books because....well, I'm cool like that. And I guess I was standing in front of the Twilight section and this little girl rudely pushes me and says "Excuse me!" in a very annoying voice. I mean, really? I wanted to yell "Girl, don't start with me! I'm not afraid to beat down a 10 year old!" just for the heck of it. But I didn't, I just laughed at her...she didn't like that so much. Then all of a sudden this employee guy in a green shirt just runs past me. I mumbled "Run, dude, run!" but I guess he heard me because he looked back and smiled at me before continuing to run. I melted in front of all the 10 year olds.
The store was jam packed and I am clausterphobic so my mother and I went to the front to buy food (Costco has a concession stand inside). We stood in line behind this huge black guy who kept on looking at my mom. He would lean in close to her and stare at her. Mom was telling me something really pointless but I wasn't listening because I was paying attention to the guy. He whispered very quietly "Ma'am? Excuse me, ma'am..." mom didn't even look at him. I was thinking "Dude, you just got shut down!!" haha I didn't know mom was so cold. We got our food (she got a soda, a piece of pizza for dad, and I got a berry smoothie) and I told her about the black guy and she acted so shocked. Whatever mom, you knew....
Later, my dad finished his pizza and went outside to get the truck. Mom and I stayed behind because she got a salad after and wanted to finish it. Cute, running, green shirt guy was in line and was talking to this other employee lady (she was like 50 so...I don't think there was any romance there. But idk he might be into that sorta thing.) I was kind of staring at him because he was hot! I told mom "I like his green shirt." she asked "Whose?" I pointed to the guy in the green shirt "Oh, wow. He's hot!" she said a little too loud . I turned red, why couldn't my mom say it quietly like other moms? Green shirt guy didn't hear her (i don't think) but he got his berry smoothie (same as me :D) and walked past our table. He looked at me for a moment before smiling and walking away. Mom was freaking out "Oh my gosh...did you see that? He thinks your fine!" God quiet....please....
Haha great times at should get a membership. Ha it sounds like I'm getting paid to advertise them.
you'll meet cute guys here...