I stood in the mirror and stared at my nervous face. I had spots on my forehead and a baggy maroon polo. In my head I thought to myself "In four years I will be going to the highschool."
Well in four years I'm going to be in college. What?! How in the world did that happen? I'm freaking growing up too fast. Anyway, mom started talking to me about college and my future and it really got me thinking about what I'm going to do with my life.
Well, I want to travel. But I'm not sure how I will get enough money to do that. I want to make a change, so I'll probably go on a missions trip. I want to get married and I want kids (hopefully in that order and when I'm much older).
But what am I going to do? Well I started thinking about what I want to do:
Actress: I've always loved to act. Because I love the idea of being someone else. I could go to broadway but most of the big parts involve singing and I'm not a strong singer. Plus, I won't make a lot of money but...I love going out on stage and making people believe that I am this person.
Archeologist: History has always been my strong point. The way people lived hundreds of years ago interests me. Plus, it goes with the whole traveling thing. But it involves a lot of math...my weak point.
Author (yes I realize that they all start with 'A's): Writing is one thing that I love doing all the time. I like the idea of creating this whole world that I can control. Bad thing is that I'm awful when I actually have to sit down and write.
I've thought of more like volunteer firewoman, photographer, movie director, hair stylist, seat filler (people who sit in famous people's seats during award shows so that no one steals their spot. Really, it's an actual job.) song writer, guitar teacher, botique owner, movie critque....tons but I've realized that I'm still a kid. I'll let myself figure it out over time. But that seat filler thing sounds pretty good :).
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