Let's hope that it doesn't happen this time.
Well I was looking back on some of my old blogs and I laugh at how I used to be. Here are some that no one read.
Last year:
"I don't get why guys have to take a picture of themselves with out a shirt on. It's kind of gross. Anyway today was the last day of school and besides the annoying exams it was pretty awesome. One of my friends died their hair pink, ran around with a cape and wig on...it was wonderful."
Alright so...I take back what I said about the guys who take pictures of themselves without their shirt on....it is in no way gross. And that was amazing when my friend ran around in a cape...I miss him.
End of last summer:
"So summer is almost over. I got my schedule for this year today and I have an extremely hot teacher for my history class (yay). Anyway I am so excited that I can't sleep. My mom gave me a sleeping pill but I cannot go to sleep. Maybe they don't work on me. Three more days."
Haha wow I was so innocent and I had no idea what a year I was headed for. Okay number one my History teacher was 'Hot' but he was also a 'jerk' I loved him though because he was hilarious. My english teacher was WAY hotter and I think he got married this summer (boo!). Oh and about the sleeping pills 'not working' on me; I knocked out like five minutes after I wrote that blog.
Closer to the beginning of the school year:
"I don't know what I'm going to do without the 8th graders from last year. I loved them so much. I'm happy that I'm no longer a 7th grader but I'm still scared to death. I miss all the hot boys."
"I don't know what I'm going to do without the 8th graders from last year. I loved them so much. I'm happy that I'm no longer a 7th grader but I'm still scared to death. I miss all the hot boys."
If I could go back and tell myself what I know now. I missed them so much and now that I'm going to see them again in a couple of months I am not as excited. A lot of the 8th graders were jerks. They were hot though. 8th grade was the best year. I wish I could start it all over again.
Ahh!!! So many memories. Trust me, there will be more blogs from me because this is my FRESHMAN YEAR. And I want to document it. So click that 'follow' button in the corner. Please? It'll be entertaining because I'm always making an idiot of myself.
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