I don't know what's up with the gothic guy picture but....I like it. Theres actually a pretty cute guy there underneath the tounge peircing, and the flat ironed hair, and the guyliner....
I discovered this website called TheSceneKidz.com (you should go there) it's mostly filled with Scene kids (hence the name).This website got me thinking about labels.
Scene crowd: A style of clothing. A lot like the emo style but without the 'emotions' that emo people are said to have. So to make it simple: Scene is happy emo people pretty much :).
I sorta hate labels. Because I fell like they restrict who we are. It makes some people feel like they fit in but I fit into no 'label'. The labels in my town: Emo/Gothic, Druggies, Preps, Nerds, Cool kids, Cool Mexicans (I'm not trying to be racist, that is seriously how it is here), The nobodies (people who kinda hide), Pwsers (the people who think that they are cool but really aren't. I made it up :D), then there is my group.
My group is nothing. No label.
But I do have experiences about how these labels clash:
Gothic vs. Preppy: One day I was walking down the hallway, just minding my own business. I was walking behind Kay a cheerleader. Kay, isn't exactly the nicest person in the world. Okay, she's a total...(I'm not going to cuss but you get my point)...mean girl. Anyway she was talking loudly with some of her other friends when JB (a druggie/gothic girl) walks by. Kay like an idiot starts talking bad about JB. I wasn't paying attention but all I remember after that was a voice screaming "What'd you say, Preppy B*****?!?!" then JB jumped on top of Kay and they fought on the ground (well JB fought, Kay kinda pulled hair and screamed a lot). Haha JB got suspended and Kay NEVER talked about anyone else after that.
Cool kids vs. Nerdy kids: What I've realized about the Nerds about my school is the fact that they don't care if they are nerds or not. I respect them for that. Anyway so there is this cool girl named Ray, she is very pretty. In my 3rd period I had Ray, her BIG boyfriend Tyl, and this Nerd named Ed.
Ed walked up to Ray when the teacher was gone and said "Baby, you are so fine. I want you to be mine." he was trying to be super cool while he ryhmed.
Ray just laughed at him.
Tyl walks up to them and tells Ed to back off.
Ed pushed Tyl "No, you back off!!" he screamed in a high pitched voice. When Ed pushed Tyl, he didn't move an inch but he was very ANGRY. He pulled Ed out of the room.
I didn't know what happened after that until the bell rang and we got out of class:
Ed was actually crammed into a trashcan. CRAMMED INTO A TRASHCAN!! I thought that only happened in movies!!! I was amazed by Tyl for the rest of the year.
Emo vs. EVERYONE IN THE STATE OF TEXAS: Okay so I heard that emo guys wear eyeliner (guyliner) but I thought that was only in movies or rockstars. But one day a emo guy came to school wearing a BUNCH of guyliner. EVERYONE FREAKED OUT. There were kids gossiping, teachers talking, parents were called, and the princapal called meetings. Seriously, there was an entire school meeting about it!! They freaked out WAY too much over some make-up. Sorry boys but it's a bit too early for that in Texas.
Small town kidz vs. The princapal: At the end of the year we got a new princapal. Since we live in a small town, there isn't much to do. So whenever there is a school fight people HAVE to go. You can always tell when a fight is coming because a bunch of teenagers will walk to the park in a group. Since so many people get a lot of entertainment from that, there are a LOT of fights. Our new princapal didn't understand that. She called a school meeting and brought police officers and judges to tell us that "fighting is wrong!" In my opinion, fighting isn't bad unless someone dies, goes blind, or loses a limb because some people need it. She said "I've been here for 1 month and there has been 13 fights! I have never in all my years of teaching seen that....blah, blah, blah" During that meeting I was hoping that a giant fight would break out. I would laugh my butt off. I have to admit 13 is a lot but that's what you get when you give kids a dress code, you live in a small town with nothing to do, and make them unhappy. How else do you expect us to be entertained?
Yeah so there are SOME of my stories. I'll probably post more soon :) but I'm tired now.