Wow. So today when school let out something happened. My last period is on the 3rd floor so what I do is take the end stairs to the 2nd floor, then I walked a little further to go to the 2nd floor middle stairs (because the other ones are too crowded). When I got on the 2nd floor, I rounded a corner and another guy rounded the same corner. I accidently slammed into him and his hands were just 'so'. So he practically felt me up in the hallway? Yeah, it was embarrassing. He was like "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I just said it was alright and walked away...no one saw it. Lol wow...only me. He was cute haha I can see him thinking "I got to second base with that girl and I don't even know her name."
I've noticed that there are a lot of fat girls in ROTC. ROTC is like a 'mini military' thing. They wear uniforms and do little routines. ROTC is a gym credit so instead of going into gym they join the club. I don't know why I had to say this but...i've been thinking about it all day.
I'm going running in a couple minutes. I've really been getting into running lately. I don't know why I just like the way it feels. I like the burn and how out of breath you get. Running like maximizes everything too. Like water seems to taste so much better and sleep feels so good.
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