So it seems that summer is almost over. Which isn't very believeable because it's 105 in Texas right now... The heat is crazy and making people do crazy things. I have to work extra hard to get motivated to start running again. School starts on August 23, which isn't that far away.
I was just thinking about what happened when my friend B and I went to the movies the see Eclipse (which was actually a really good movie BTW). But the thing about B is that well....sometimes she is very annoying and mean and conceited...and self centered....
Okay so we get into the movies and she's blabbing on and on about how many guys like her, and about my ex. And i'm thinking "I DONT CARE!" but I smiled and laugh just to be nice. This guys sits in front of us and B comments on how cute he is. He turns around when B is texting and I mouth "I am so sorry!" and point to her. He rolls his eyes and laughed before turning back.
"Did you see that?" B whispered "He totally likes me!". I laughed "Maybe, he was looking at me?" I said. B rolled her eyes too "I mean, come on Cassidy. He was totally looking at me..." she turned back to text and I just stared at her wide eyed. Really?
She always said that she was the prettier, skinnier, popular one out of the two of us. Uh, okay...but the truth is that she really isn't. She's sort of pretty, she's in no way smaller then me (shes actually bigger) she just wears smaller clothes (and they're like 2 sizes too small), and I'm pretty much the only person who tolerates her.
Finally, I just relax when the trailers start to play. But the entire time she was laughing about stupid stuff!!! And she has a loud annoying laugh so...everyone heard it. Finally after about 5 mintutes of her laughing the guy in front of us turns around and goes
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! So....annoying!!!" he yelled. She shut up FAST but I couldn't stop laughing, but the guy didn't mind me. He stood up and walked away.
B was quiet throughout the entire movie. Eclipse was flipping awesome. They had all these super cool tricks and stunts and it was great. It was more action packed and I liked that. B didn't like it because she wanted it to be all romantic like the last ones...I thought it was just romantic enough. And Jackson Rathbone.....so cute! He dressed up as a confederate soilder and.....Ah! Haha. Taylor Launter, Kellan Lutz and even.....Robert Pattinson were cute too. Shocking, right?
GASP. I love Jackson Rawthbone. He definitely looked FINE in that uniform. And that southern accent...I practically died!!