Mom was in a BAD mood. She was screaming while she picked me up from school. She said she hates student drivers. I was joking and implied that she was in a student parking lot. She replied with "I am not in the mood Cassidy!" yeah....obviously! Then she complained the entire car ride home about nothing! Finally when we got to the house I just walked inside the house and SHE WAS STILL COMPLAINING!
I cleaned my room so my mom would let me go to homecoming. While I was getting ready I burnt my neck with my curling iron and it looks like a HICKEY!!! Can you say embarrassing? While I was burning myself, Maggie was texting me telling me to hurry up! Mom and I leave the house and we're not sure which football field to go to so I call Melissa. While I'm on the phone with her my dog is barking and mom is cussing out the person driving ahead of us. Melissa just laughed. There was SOO much traffic by the high school so mom dropped me off on the side of the road and I ran across the street (most frightening thing ever.) I get my ticket and text Maggie asking where she is. I go up in the stands and look and can't find her until I see her and Gordy jumping and waving.
Maggie was sitting with her date Andy (who by the way is a very cool guy!) and Gordy (Big, big guy but extremely hilarious) Andy and Maggie were kind of nervous but they were so cute. Maggie wanted me to show up early so it wasn't awkward between them two. As soon as I sit down Maggie says "Let me see your hickey!" and Andy and Gordy look at me like 'what?'. Lol a couple minutes later Gordy takes my phone and gives it to Andy and he puts it in his pocket. Andy gestured for me to get it. I was not sticking my hand in his pocket so.....I asked Maggie to do it! She didn't...
When everybody who was sitting with us came there were 10 people! Melissa and her date Dane (who I thought was very weird) Victoria and her cousin Kendall (who is really great) Travy (annoying sometimes) came to sit with us. I found out that Gordy was going out with B!!!! I was so mad that she didn't tell me! But I like him better then any of her other Ex boyfriends (execpt for Scott of course).

We walked to the concession stand and I saw my 10 YEAR OLD cousin. 10 year olds shouldn't go to homecoming games.
When we got our food we had 3 gatorades, a sprite, pizza, and nachos. I didn't want my gatorade so I gave it to Autty who ending up sitting with us.
Andy put cheese on Maggie's shirt sleeve. So Maggie stuck her whole hand in the nachos and wiped it all over the front of his shirt. They had a cheese war! that picture is them.
It came time to leave and everyone walked in a group to go get picked up. Everyone else was picked up so I was kind of alone. Until these two big, scary guys were walking close to me. I called my dad fast telling him not to hang up the phone so I won't be raped or killed. I crossed the street in the dark and finally got in the car and homecoming was over....
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