My first period is with this really cute guy with purple contacts (lets call him PC) PC's eyes are amazing and I told him that. He was kind of like "Um...okay?" but he was smiling. He's friends with my friend KC and we usually all walk together to 2nd period. But KC wasn't here today. So we walked without her. At first I didn't know he was walking with me. He just pops up next to me so I flinch and accidently hit this guy next to me. Lol. We just start talking about random things until we pass his classroom and he's still walking with me. I go "Isn't that your classroom?" he just stops, turns around and laughs. This kid is funny :) too bad he's shorter then me.
Drama, drama is starting. There is this guy. And he is B's ex boyfriend. And my other friend's boyfriend. But he is so great. I haven't talked to him much before today. I always thought he was this angry guy because his face always has this scal. But he isn't...he's really nice.
In 3rd period he sits next to my friend Kayleigh and we had a project to do with partners. Kayleigh doesn't like him so she made him move so her friend could sit next to her. So he moved up to sit next to me. I turned to him and said "Kayleigh made you move? That sucks." he smiled and said "Yeah, she doesn't like me.".
I was trying to be friendly so that he didn't regret having to sit next to me so I say "Do you want to be partners." he said "sure". So the project had something to do with making a business and naming it and suppling rules for the employees. Scott (thats going to be his name) was like "What do you want our company to do?" I didn't know what to do so I just spout off random things until I said "Make paper!" he laughed and wrote it down. Then we tried to come up with a name. Eventually we settled with "Paper Cut Inc."
After that we just started talking about random things. He's an army brat and he plays football. He laughs at almost anything I say (which is strange). We talked about how guys have hairy legs, and USC college, blow off classes, coaches, and deep voices and...just random yet wonderful things. I kind of feel like I'm getting a crush on him...uh-oh. Oops?
Well, I'm not going to do anything about it though. Well, not at least until he and his girlfriend break up (if). I get to talk to him tomorrow in third period again. Maybe, I can see if I really like him or not?
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