Yeah you read this right! My blog is offically 1 year old today!! It was exactlu one year ago when I started it. Back when I was a scared little freshman! WHICH I AM OFFICALLY NOT ANYMORE! I got my report card today (perfect timing, huh?) and I passed all my classes! NO summer school and no more freshman year!
Lets see, what has happened in this year? I've been through 5 guys? Not exactly sure. But do you remember Todd? Oh the ones who started in the beginning do! And all I can say about him is= EW! He is SOO one year ago!
Hm...I got more friends who actually like being around me! I've lost some weight and I like to think that I'm becoming kinda pretty. I've stood up for myself. I've cried. I've laughed. I got a cute boyfriend!! This was a pretty fantastic year and I'm glad I got to share it with you:)
You guys are seriously the best people on earth!!!
Thank you for listening to my boring life! I have no idea why you do it but please don't stop! Lol you should even tell your friends about my boring life?? You know...just in case...:) Anyway, I don't want this post to be all about me because I wan't it to be about ya'll! My followers, my stalkers, my HOMIES! That's it- you guys are offically my homies! (Does anyone say that anymore?).
Anyway, you guys are great and thank you so so so so much for reading! I promise that I won't stop blogging for a long time. Maybe I'll keep writing when I run away with the circus? Lol I'll keep you guys posted if I decide to make any big plans like that.