Well guys, it's Wednesday and I really have nothing to write about. But I promised that I'm going to write more and I'm trying very hard to keep that promise!

Currently, I'm trying to distance myself from Ben (i.e. my boyfriend) because I realized that I rely too much on him to make me happy. It's good to have someone in your life who will make you happy no matter what, but it's starting to get to the point that if he makes me any less than extremely happy, I get all mad and paranoid. That's not a good thing because I REALLY like Ben and I don't want to lose him because I'm acting like a lunatic. Plus, it's important to have other things that make you happy. So to distract myself I will be: doing all of my homework (FINALLY!), trying new things with my hair, writing more, excercising, doing new things with my make-up, making new friends, volunteering at places...stuff like that. Things that make me happy!
In exactly 6 months I will be able to drive! Everybody better watch out for me because I will be taking it to the roads. I can't believe I'll be able to drive soon! That is unbelieveable. Honestly, I feel like I'm still a little 8-year-old girl (except with boobs and harder schoolwork). And then after that I'm going to be 18 and going to college! Me?! College?! AHHHHhhhhh!!!!!! Mom almost cried when I got my first letter from college. It was for the University of Alaska! I'm honestly thinking about going... just to say I went from Texas to Alaska! That is quite a transition.
Why do people feel the need to make-out in the hallway?!?!?! I mean, just do that at home where no one can see you. I hate it! And I especially hate it when you're walking past a couple that's making out and you can hear noises....UGGGHhhh!!! It's so gross! No one wants to see that. Please, take it
Well, I have to go do my homework (joy, joy, joy). I'll post later.
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