Believe it or not-it's snowing in Texas!! You heard me right- snow in Texas. So we only got 2 inches but that doesn't matter! Whenever it snows we ALWAYS get a 2 hour delay. Which was, for me, two extra hours to make myself all cute like. It seems like this town is getting smaller and smaller by the second. I realized this as I saw a junior drop trow (He pulled down his pants and underwear!) and stuck his bare tush into the snow while his friend recorded it. Lol such classy boys we have roaming the halls of my high school. I can't really blame this guy-it's boring here. They really need to add something we can do in this town. All us teenagers do is hang out at the Whataburger at the side of the highway but the food is expensive and the owner is getting irritated about all of the loiterers. You know, I really want to see someone get arrested for loitering. That would just make my day. It is officially my goal for next year to ALWAYS be busy. Like last year my schedule was always full: Monday-Musical practice(vocals), Tuesday- Guitar Lessons, Wednesday-Musical rehearsals(choreography), Thursday- FCA, Friday- Theatre 2 rehearsals/set design or FCA. I was never home but now it's gone down hill and I spend most of my time at home. So next year I am signing up for everything: FCA, One-Act, French club, Spanish club, Thespian troop, Friends of Rachel, NHS, Student council, The musical-ALL OF IT! And no I will NOT get overwhelmed. Anyway, I have a ton of homework and I probably need to get off because it's *GASP* 9:21! Eh...I can do it later:). Speech homework (blah!). As the new semester rolls in so does my new schedule and I don't have Business Ed. anymore-I have SPEECH. Good thing about my new teacher is the he gives pep talks everyday. Honestly he could be a public speaker because I always feel like a million bucks when I leave his classroom. Today's pep talk was about having something to believe in. He asked us-going down the row "What do you believe in?". Tre said God, Dylan said Himself, Natalie said Friendship, Tony said Love, I said Peace, Jordan said Happiness, and then the strange kid in the back said "DESTRUCTION!". LOL I couldn't help but laughing! That was borderline the funniest thing I had ever heard. This kid was completely serious but I could not stop laughing. "Peace...love...friendship...DISTRUCTION!" Oh wow- these kids are great. Especially the ones who sit in the back corner-which I am now a part of this club. But guess who sits next to me...Scott! Do you remember him? I had a huge crush on him for a long time before he went out with Slutty-McSlut-Slut. We have good times back there but I doubt that crush is ever coming back. EVER. Neither is Todd. Or Jake. Or...I crush on a lot of guys. Speaking of which, I didn't see Cute Vet Guy today and that was depressing. Doesn't he know that I only have a couple more months to see him before he's gone forever? He's just being selfish!! Demi (my friend) said that we're going to have to share him. Uh no! I saw him first! Go get your own super-adorable-cute-vet-guy. I have nothing else to write about so I guess I'll have to stop :( looks like that homework is still there waiting for me. Oh and look at the bottom of the page and see what I brought back!
Love to you all!
I found your blog through Cherry's, and I too live in Texas. Snow is the best :)