Today has pretty much been the best Monday of my life. I had so much stuff to do that I couldn't barely breathe but I like that. I went to go get my ID for the state of Texas because we can't get a passport in time. I'm going to Hawaii in a couple of weeks :) I'm majorly excited guys! Think about it...me in Hawaii. It should 'sleet' tomorrow. My fingers are crossed that they'll cancel school for tomorrow. (because in Texas if we get one inch of snow the whole world ends) LOL. I saw Jake in the hallway today and I looked the other way. I'm not wasting my time on him. So guess what text message I received in 8th period. It was my from my mom: "Word from Jane is that all the guys are gaga for Cassidy! I didn't say anything other than what I told you about last night (about having fun with them and wanting to hang out again). Jane volunteered that they all are crazy for you. Just making sure that you knew ;) Gonna try to go to the DMV later and maybe the grocery store..."
Lol so this day magically turned great. Jane added me on facebook and I was like "Yes, I would love to be your friend." but only because she's ah-mazing. Almost as cool as my mom (who is now my official wing man). Alright guys, I have homework to do.
Lol so this day magically turned great. Jane added me on facebook and I was like "Yes, I would love to be your friend." but only because she's ah-mazing. Almost as cool as my mom (who is now my official wing man). Alright guys, I have homework to do.
I'm crossing my fingers for snow... Just so I won't have to take my physics test... It's flurry-ing outside my house right now though...