Sweeney Todd arrives back to London after 15 years. He is on a ship with a young sailor who says that "There is no place like London." insisting that London is the greatest place on Earth. Sweeney replies "Oh, there's no place like London." showing a more pessimistic tone. Oh there's no place like London!. When the young sailor asks Sweeney why he is so upset Sweeney tells him about a barber and his wife. Benjamin Barker (the barber) was taken away from his wife and daughter on a false charge because an evil judge Turpin wanted his wife. Sweeney says goodbye to the young sailor and tells the sailor that he can find him "on fleet street." Sweeney walks down the street singing one of my favorite songs in this musical "There's a hole in the world like a great black pit! It's filled with people who are filled with SPIT. And the vermin of the world inhabit it..." *Yeah, I edited that a little* He finds his old house has been turned to Mrs. Lovett's meat pies. Mrs. Lovett is excited to see Sweeney because he would be her first customer in weeks. Why you may ask? Because she sells the worst pies in London. He asks her about what she knows of the house while she makes him some tea to 'get the taste out of his mouth'. She says that 'something bad' happened here. She talks about a barber and his wife, and how beautiful he was. "Poor thing!" she sighs and she tells Sweeney about how poor Lucy was raped. He screams "NO! Did no one take pity on her?!" revealing that he was Benjamin Barker. Mrs. Lovett is in awe that she is seeing that barber again and sadly tells him that his wife had poisoned herself and that Judge Turpin has adopted his daughter. She shows him the parlor and his old razors he used to shave men with. Here he vows that he will kill judge Turpin with "his friends." Meanwhile, the young sailor walks the streets of London but stops when he sees a beautiful blond girl look out of her window. He is in awe of her beauty and stares. The girl looks down at him and smiles before flinching away and running towards the other side of the room. He wonders why the girl looks so sad so he asks the beggar woman *remember her, she's important!* whose house this is. "Oh, Judge Turpin, sir." She says in a scared voice "And that was Miss Johanna." Judge Turpin is a creeper and watches Johanna at all hours of the day, he's in love with her so he keeps her locked up in the house so that no man will lay eyes on her. The young sailor is already in love. He sings "I feel you Johanna." which is one of the sweetest songs I have ever heard. But evil Judge Turpin tells the sailor if her ever lays eyes on Johanna again he will be killed. That doesn't stop him. He devises a plan with Sweeney Todd (as Todd realized that Johanna is his daughter) to steal Johanna away while the judge is at work. Sweeney goes to town and sees a young boy try to sell a phony product by another barber, some Magical Elixar. Todd ends up challenging that barber to a public ' shaving battle'.Todd wins and The Beetle (The judges assistant) says that he will come by the barber shop before the week ends. But the other barber and his little boy-slave come by the shop the day after. Mrs. Lovett watches after the boy while Sweeney and the other barber talk. The barber reveals that he knows who that Sweeney is actually Benjamin Barker. Todd kills the barber and hides him in a trunk in the corner of the room. When Mrs. Lovett finds the body she says "What will we do about the boy?" she was starting to like this boy because he actually ate her meat pies. "Bring him up!" Sweeney said as he sharpened his blade. Mrs. Lovett insisted on keeping him and letting him help with the shop. While he agrees, the Judge knocks on the door. Sweeney is so happy to see Judge Turpin, so happy to take revenge. The judge tells Sweeney about how he wants to become more attractive to Johanna because he was going to force her to marry him. Todd smiles as the Judge says that he wants a shave. They begin to sing about Pretty Women .
Right when Todd was about to cut the judge's neck, the young sailor bursts in the room. The judge says "I see the company you keep! I'm never coming back to this shop!". After Sweeney almost kills the sailor and Mrs.Lovett in anger. He tells Mrs. Lovett that We all deserve to die! and decides that he is going to kill every man in London until he gets the judge. They begin to talk about how they are going to remove the other barber's body. That's when Mrs. Lovett gets the idea... "He was a big man..what a waste." they begin to come up with idea that when Sweeney kills a man, Mrs. Lovett will grind them up and make them into meat pies. Gross, right?? Strange enough, the meat pies become more and more popular as the restaurant fills up and Sweeney gets more customers. Mrs. Lovett falls in love with Sweeney while is obsessed with 2 things (His wife, Lucy and Judge Turpin). Mrs. Lovett begins making plans for herself, Todd, and the little boy. A life by the sea. Meanwhile, Johanna refuses the judge so the judge sends her away to an asylum. The young sailor and Todd come up with a plan to go to the the asylum and steal Johanna away. The little boy begins to expect something is wrong with Sweeney and he tells Mrs. Lovett that "Nothing will ever hurt you when I'm around." Mrs. Lovett cry as she knows that Sweeney will kill the boy because the boy is starting to figure things out. She tells him to grind meat in the basement and locks him in there without him knowing. Sweeney ends up killing The Beetle (the judges assistant)and drops him through the trap door to the basement. The boy yells when he sees the dead man and hides in the drain in the ground. Through the grate he can see everything as Todd and Mrs.Lovett look for him. In the asylum the sailor tells the guard that he is a barber's assistant and he is looking for a girl with yellow hair (a.k.a Johanna). The guard terrorizes the room of girls with yellow hair and tells the sailor to pick one. The sailor finds Johanna and pulls a gun on the guard and takes away his weapon. The sailor leaves with Johanna saying that "You are at the mercy of your prisoners." the women kill the guard as Johanna and the sailor escape. The sailor dresses Johanna in boys clothes and tells her to wait in the barber shop for 30 minutes. She hides in the truck in the corner of the room when she hears someone coming. The begger woman comes into the shop and looks around. Sweeney walks in and asks her why she's there. The woman tells him that Mrs. Lovett is evil and is the 'Devil's wife'. Then the beggar woman smiles up him when she meets his eyes and says "Hey...don't I know you?" Todd has no time for this so he swiftly cuts the woman across her throat and sends her down the trap door. In the basement Mrs. Lovett gasps as she sees the beggar woman dead saying "Oh no...he's killed her." *I didn't understand why she cared so much about the beggar woman until later* The Judge Turpin comes into the barber shop thinking that the sailor had taken the girl and hid her there (he was smart) Todd tricks the judge by saying "Oh yes! She's in the shop below. She's repented. She wants to marry you. How about a shave?" the judge agrees but while Todd prepares to shave him, he begins to hint his true identity. The judge says "Benjamin?!" Todd smiles and says "BENJAMIN BARKER!" as he stabs the judge several times. He sends the judge down to the basement still slightly alive. Sweeney discovers Johanna hiding in trunk and doesn't see through the disguise she's wearing. He was about to kill her when he heard Mrs. Lovett scream from the basement "Forget my face!" he tells Johanna as he runs out of the room,barely avoiding killing his own daughter. Mrs.Lovett screams as the judge grabs onto her ankle, half-alive. Finally, Mrs. Lovett kicks him off and Turpin dies. Sweeney comes down to the basement to see why she screamed and finds the three dead bodies of the judge, the Beetle, and the beggar woman. Mrs. Lovett starts the oven and leaves it open (it was one of the those ovens that was 8 feet tall and had giant flames inside *it's important*). Todd's eyes go to the beggars face and realizes something so sick and disturbing...the beggar woman was Lucy, his wife. He says to Mrs. Lovett "You lied to me!" She tells him Lucy had poisoned herself but instead of dying, the woman went crazy. Mrs. Lovett says she is sorry for not telling the truth but Mr.Todd says "What's dead is dead!" He tells Mrs.Lovett that he is in-love with her. They dance around the stove and the boy watches from the grate below. Finally and surprisingly, Mr.Todd's smile turns to a scowl as he pushes Mrs.Lovett into the fire of the stove. And she dies (kind of graphic). Sweeney sets his razor on the floor next to him as he holds the dead body of Lucy in his hands. In this last scene, I'm not sure if Todd saw the little boy come out of the grate. I'm not sure if he felt the little boy pick up his razor. But the boy stood behind him, razor in hand and Sweeney slightly stuck out his neck. With one swift motion, the boy cut the throat of Sweeney Todd and the musical was over. Sweeney Todd is dead, so is Mrs.Lovett, Lucy, The Judge, and hundreds of men who went into the barber shop for a shave. Johanna and the sailor run away together. And the little boy still walks the streets. The End.
So are you still looking for those humor points? Well here's one that made me laugh really hard:
My top songs are:
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