I missed school today (who has Halloween on a Sunday anyway?) so I'm writing this blog. There is TONS of things that happened since I last typed. It's actually crazy that so much can happen in a month. So lets start on the basics:
What happened in October.
Crushes ended:I stopped crushing on Scott because he got a very slutty girlfriend. The crush ended the day before they actually went out.
I don't like Todd anymore ((dum, dum, DUM)) I warned you that this post was going to be shocking!! Yeah the crush has been fading after a while. Then on Friday it just hit rock bottom and I don't care anymore.
Crushes ended:I stopped crushing on Scott because he got a very slutty girlfriend. The crush ended the day before they actually went out.
I don't like Todd anymore ((dum, dum, DUM)) I warned you that this post was going to be shocking!! Yeah the crush has been fading after a while. Then on Friday it just hit rock bottom and I don't care anymore.
Crushes started: B now has a crush on the star quaterback and swears that they are going to date. I'm afraid she's going to get her heart broken.
Travy likes me. He admitted that he thought I was so likable and beautiful and all this stuff. It's sweet but....EWWWW it's TRAVY! That's just gross I'm sorry. But I don't want to break his little, chubby heart.
I LIKE SOMEONE NEW (More info later and there WILL be info.)
My cousin grew up?: My little cousin is now in the 'emo phase' and she's making friends....THAT GO TO MY SCHOOL! She's talking to creepy Henderson (a kid who cuts himself in class and is the MOST ANNOYING PERSON THE PLANET) who is 15. Remember that my little cousin just turned 12 and is in the 6TH GRADE! He's flirting with her and she's flirting back because 1.He's emo and 2.She's never met him before because if she did she would hate him and 3. He kind of looks like the guy off of the book 'A diary of a Wimpy Kid'. As one of my friends described it to a teacher "HE CUTS HIMSELF FOR FUN, MISS!" I understand that maybe he has mental issues but issues or not he's not ruining my cousins chances of being happy. Oh-no.
AND she went to a Rob Zombie concert ALONE with one of her friends. My friend Jake *hint, hint on the crush thing* saw her there. He said that he saw these creepy guys surrounding them and kind of fought them off. (He knows my cousin because his little cousin and mine were on the same cheerleading squad before she turned all emo) . I was SO happy Jake was there, he stayed with them the entire concert :)
he's a sweet heart....
he's a sweet heart....
(More to come)
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