There is a girl in my school that freaks out over nothing. Her boyfriend breaks up with her....it's the end of the world. She gets a C....it's the end of the world. She stubs her toe....it's the end of the world. And I roll my eyes every day when she comes in with something new to complain about.
Life is a very hard thing to deal with. You have to live for yourself but be for other people. You have to be a part of the world and at times you feel like you're losing yourself in the process. I believe that we're here for something more then just to 'reproduce' or whatever those hardheaded scientists say.
What I've learned about people is that they forget to notice some of the beautiful things in life. So next time you think about it; watch the sky until you see the first star. Notice a baby's laugh. Make an 11:11 wish. Notice a couple holding hands in the park. Watch the sun rise. Smell the winter air. Life is beauty and it's all around us. We just forget....
I'll admit that I'm kinda excited about getting out of the high school in a couple years but I also want to remember everything. I don't want it to go any faster then it is right now. These 4 years are going to fly by and friends will fade. Memories will too. I guess my point on writing these paragraphs is to convince people to stop stressing the little stuff. Because it's all about the big picture.
I was talking to my friend Ray in gym. She looks over my shoulder and says "Is Jimmy retarded?" she was being COMPLETELY serious. I turned around to look at Jimmy. He has he head on the ground and he's trying to do handstand (the entire time he's screaming loudly). I just laughed and said "Just a little..."
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