
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Boys are confusing...

I know it's not fair to leave you guys hanging in the midst of all this Corey/Ben drama but I'm back writing again. I've made one observation in the past two days: BOYS ARE CONFUSING! Yesterday, Tori and I went over to Corey's house to hang out and it was really fun! He lives way out in the country, with a lot of land, and tons of things to do. Tori had joked with me the day before that Corey really didn't want her to come, and he only wanted me to. She was dead wrong considering the fact that he just played around with her all day and practically ignored me.

What happened first was, we got there and Corey gave us a ride in the tractor! Yeah, we rode around his yard in a tractor bucket! Talk about country... Then we went inside and ate pizza, and watched the Help. Tori picked up these headphones that were plugged into the tv, and she sat really close to the screen. Corey and I were sitting in the back of the living room, I was sitting on the couch and he was laying on the floor. Then he said something stupid so I smacked him with a pillow, which he then grabbed and pulled me practically on top of him. I kind of freaked out because of Ben so I jumped up really quickly, and I think that hurt his feelings.

Tori jumped on him for something and they practically wrestled all over the floor. I kind of just watched them, Corey was REALLY flirting with Tori. I have to admit; I got really jealous at first but when I thought about it after a second, I realized that if Corey and Tori get together: everything will be simple. So when Corey left the room Tori asked "What are you going to do about this Edward/Jacob deal?" She was refering to Ben and Corey. "I'm going to let Jacob date Renesme..."I said to her. "Who's Renesme?" She asked. "You!"

She spent the 5 minutes trying to tell me it wasn't true and that she had absolutely no feelings for Corey and that she would never date him. Corey then, kept calling me cute while he was practically cuddling with Tori...DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!! When it was time to leave, we walked out to Tori's car and I sat in the passanger seat. Corey awkwardly hugged Tori and then said "Cassidy get out of the car so I can hug you!" I got out of the car and lifted my hands up, expecting an awkward hug as well. Instead Corey grabbed me by my waist, lifted me in the air and spun me around. I was so shocked that I yelped his name really loudly.

When I got home, I got home to an adorable message from Ben, telling me how much he likes me and how great of a person I am. I felt so horrible...

2 minutes later, I got a message from Corey, saying that I looked beautiful today.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

That awkward moment when...

That awkward moment when you make your friend, Corey, a sandwich to thank him for driving you to school. But when you give it to him, he says "Thank you!" with a big smile and then he pulls out a heart shaped box full of chocolates, a cupcake sucker, and a chocolate rose. Saying "I thought you might like these..." And you realize that he didn't just out do your sandwich, but he also out did your boyfriend of 3 months.

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Bella, Edward, Jacob relationship?

Im currently sitting in my boring computer class with nothing to do. Luckily, I have a blogger app on my phone so I can blog anywhere, at any time. I WAS going to post about how wonderful and perfect my boyfriend, Ben is but over the weekend he started acting like a complete jerk!!! He's 18 and a senior in high school, so there's quite an age difference between us. He called me on Thursday night, telling me that we're never going to be able to last and that our relationship is useless, but also that he doesn't want to break up. Makes no sense, right?! The next day he was short and angry in all of his text messages so I said : I'm trying really hard right now and you're obviously not in the mood. So just text me when you want to talk to me....HE DIDN'T REPLY FOR TWO DAYS!
But on Friday, the first night Ben ignored me, I hung out with my best-friends Corey and Tori. We went to the park and had the greatest time ever. We sat and talked about past relationships, and Corey shared his past stories of heartbreak...I seriously started to cry. Then we had to go see Tori's little sister perform. Tori drove there but me and Corey walked because Tori isn't allowed to have more than one person in the car. Corey and I were almost ran over twice!!! But we made it there safe. Then we sat outside, on a bench and talked, I found myself wishing I could kiss him. Then Tori told us to go inside and not much longer, he left. As soon as he left, the words came out faster than my mind could tell them to stop "Tori, I like Corey ..." I expected that statement to be shocking. Her words : "I know... he likes you too." How on earth did she know when I didn't?! I argued with her for the rest of the night; Corey didn't like me! He couldn't... Finally, being tired of my stubbornness, she asked him through text "You like Cassidy, right?" He said "Well yeah I like Cassidy. But I think this is a conversation meant more for me and her, so Cassidy text me because I know you're reading this." You have no idea how happy that made me. He asked if I liked him and Tori said "She does...but she's really confused right now." He said "I understand..." Tori spent the rest of the night trying to convince me to take Corey over Ben. On Sunday, Ben finally replied and we hung out. I had a good time with him but I couldn't get what he said or what he did out of my head. Corey sent me a text while I was with Ben, asking if me and Ben were okay. I told him "All guys are douches." Just joking around. He asked if I was okay and what happened, I didn't really want to tell him. Finally I was like "You're going to make me tell you, aren't you?" And he said "No I can't and wont ever force you to do anything. You just seemed pretty upset about it..." that almost made me cry so I didn't reply. I sat next to Ben and listened to him talk about how he's going to try his hardest to make what we have last...I felt like a complete b-word. I like them both a lot...a lot! And neither of them deserve to be treated like the way I'm treating them. I'm thinking about just acting normal around Corey, acting normal around Ben and seeing who I'm happier with...Sometimes I wish life could be like Twilight. If so Ben would be my Edward, Corey would be my Jacob, and everything would be fine...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bang-free Thursday!

Why does it always feel like Thursday is always the MOST boring day of the week ? I'm not exactly sure, but one thing I am sure of is that today was not at all a typical Thursday. I'll start from last night:

Last night, a meteor hit my town...A FREAKING METEOR! Do you know how ridiculous that is?! Some people even said that they heard a boom when it broke through the sound barrier. Apparently, it lit up the whole sky and it was absolutely beautiful. But of course, I missed it because I was probably either (A)On Facebook or (B)Doing my homework. Either way, I'm still pissed that I missed it.

I woke up this morning but laid in bed for an hour because my room was too cold. Then I get a text from my friend Tori saying "Hey, I'm going to take you to school today. Be there in 5!" So I had to rush to get ready! I didn't even have time to wash my hair so I had to pull it into a bun and pin my bangs back. My bangs are like my trademark, my security blanket, my kryptonite; without them I am nothing. I had to deal with mixed comments about my forehead all day today.

In first period, I get this text from my friend Maggie that says "I'm sorry." and I freaked out! I had no idea what she was talking about until a second later when I get a text from an unknown number. Turns out it's this number is this really annoying kid who *quote* 'been crushin on me real, real hard'. Maggie gave him my number. I told him I had a boyfriend and he got depressed. I saw that boy after EVERY class period today and he winked at me everytime. I also threw up a little in my mouth, every time he winked...

My friend Demi is being cyberbullyed and it resulted in this GIANT fight in the hallway between her boyfriend, and the people who were bullying Demi. Her boyfriend won! But they broke his nose. Sucky day for him!

I've got to go! Talk to you later!:)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My love for Partner PE.

I joined this class called Partner PE at the beginning of this year. But stupid Danny, and all of his nonsence, stopped me from writing so I never got the chance to tell you about it. Partner PE is a class where normal students play with the Special Ed. students. Everyone is assigned one partner and they play games with this partner. It is the best class I've ever taken! My partner's name is Justin and he had a serious brain injury at a young age. His foot is twisted, as well as his arm, it's also hard for him to talk, or pay attention. The only things he knows how to say is "Hi!" or "Ball." or "Buh-bye!" but he can communicate very well! He's constantly smiling and he has the greatest smile; it lights up his whole face! If he's smiling really wide and shaking his hand, it means he likes something. If he's not smiling and he has his arms crossed, it means that he absolutely hates it. I have the best times ever in that class with all of the kids. We always throw little birthday parties for all of the kids and holiday parties. We're actually talking about having a prom! How awesome is that?!

My dream prom dress!

Wednesdays always suck.

Well guys, it's Wednesday and I really have nothing to write about. But I promised that I'm going to write more and I'm trying very hard to keep that promise!

Currently, I'm trying to distance myself from Ben (i.e. my boyfriend) because I realized that I rely too much on him to make me happy. It's good to have someone in your life who will make you happy no matter what, but it's starting to get to the point that if he makes me any less than extremely happy, I get all mad and paranoid. That's not a good thing because I REALLY like Ben and I don't want to lose him because I'm acting like a lunatic. Plus, it's important to have other things that make you happy. So to distract myself I will be: doing all of my homework (FINALLY!), trying new things with my hair, writing more, excercising, doing new things with my make-up, making new friends, volunteering at places...stuff like that. Things that make me happy!

In exactly 6 months I will be able to drive! Everybody better watch out for me because I will be taking it to the roads. I can't believe I'll be able to drive soon! That is unbelieveable. Honestly, I feel like I'm still a little 8-year-old girl (except with boobs and harder schoolwork). And then after that I'm going to be 18 and going to college! Me?! College?! AHHHHhhhhh!!!!!! Mom almost cried when I got my first letter from college. It was for the University of Alaska! I'm honestly thinking about going... just to say I went from Texas to Alaska! That is quite a transition.

Why do people feel the need to make-out in the hallway?!?!?! I mean, just do that at home where no one can see you. I hate it! And I especially hate it when you're walking past a couple that's making out and you can hear noises....UGGGHhhh!!! It's so gross! No one wants to see that. Please, take it

Well, I have to go do my homework (joy, joy, joy). I'll post later.

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