
Saturday, July 31, 2010


My parents and I went to Costco today (sounds lamee I know) If you don't know what costco is; it's a store. But it's a store that sells EVERYTHING and it sells everything in giant packages. Like say you wanted to buy some bread. Well, you're not just buying one load oh-no you are buying 5 loafs in one package and it'll be the same price as the other stores.

Needless to say, Costco is flipping awesome!! But the best thing about costco is that there are a lot of hot guys who are working there as a summer job.

Here are some Costco stories from this morning:

My dad was like "Hey go get me a bag of powdered suger." So I walked down about 8 aisles to find the stupid sugar because they moved things around. Then I finally see the bag of powdered sugar and I just think "Really?" because it is not a small bag! It was a 10 pound bag!! (crazy right? no one needs that much sugar). Me being stupid, I thought that since it was powder then it wasn't going to weigh a lot........WRONG. I picked up the bag and fell straight to the ground. Suddenly I hear someone laughing! The first thing I thought was "Jerk!" and I as getting ready to stand up and give him a dirty look. But he helped me up. I looked at him and he was CUTE! (He had the swooshy hair and everything) He was still laughing at me "Do you need help?" he asked. He picked up the bag and helped me take it to the cart. His name was Greg (it said so on his name tag) my mom told the manager what he did....I hope he got a raise or something (maybe a gold star :D).

Later, I was looking at the book section because my parents were off looking at plates or something. A group of little girls were looking at the books too (they were like 10 or 11) and they were looking for the Twilight books. I was just standing there randomly staring into the stacks of books because....well, I'm cool like that. And I guess I was standing in front of the Twilight section and this little girl rudely pushes me and says "Excuse me!" in a very annoying voice. I mean, really? I wanted to yell "Girl, don't start with me! I'm not afraid to beat down a 10 year old!" just for the heck of it. But I didn't, I just laughed at her...she didn't like that so much. Then all of a sudden this employee guy in a green shirt just runs past me. I mumbled "Run, dude, run!" but I guess he heard me because he looked back and smiled at me before continuing to run. I melted in front of all the 10 year olds.

The store was jam packed and I am clausterphobic so my mother and I went to the front to buy food (Costco has a concession stand inside). We stood in line behind this huge black guy who kept on looking at my mom. He would lean in close to her and stare at her. Mom was telling me something really pointless but I wasn't listening because I was paying attention to the guy. He whispered very quietly "Ma'am? Excuse me, ma'am..." mom didn't even look at him. I was thinking "Dude, you just got shut down!!" haha I didn't know mom was so cold. We got our food (she got a soda, a piece of pizza for dad, and I got a berry smoothie) and I told her about the black guy and she acted so shocked. Whatever mom, you knew....

Later, my dad finished his pizza and went outside to get the truck. Mom and I stayed behind because she got a salad after and wanted to finish it. Cute, running, green shirt guy was in line and was talking to this other employee lady (she was like 50 so...I don't think there was any romance there. But idk he might be into that sorta thing.) I was kind of staring at him because he was hot! I told mom "I like his green shirt." she asked "Whose?" I pointed to the guy in the green shirt "Oh, wow. He's hot!" she said a little too loud . I turned red, why couldn't my mom say it quietly like other moms? Green shirt guy didn't hear her (i don't think) but he got his berry smoothie (same as me :D) and walked past our table. He looked at me for a moment before smiling and walking away. Mom was freaking out "Oh my gosh...did you see that? He thinks your fine!" God quiet....please....

Haha great times at should get a membership. Ha it sounds like I'm getting paid to advertise them.

you'll meet cute guys here...

Thick framed glasses

Watch the video!!

Thick framed glasses. You've seen them in almost every girls profile picture. It's usually always 3D glasses with the lenses popped out. It's a quickly growing trend. In the video his our prescription and I've noticed a lot of people buying prescription glasses like that.

They're cute I must admit, I would love a pair. But I just wonder where this all started. It probably started as an Indie thing and then more and more people did it and it turned less Indie.
Anyway my review for the indie glasses: cute but overdone.

Oh yeah and the guy in the video is the one the only...Jackson Rathbone. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Future? But I'm just a kid...highschool? What?!

Today my mom and I went school clothes shopping. Which I hate because my school has a strict polo dress code. But on the ride there I passed the high school I would be going to and I was reminded of my first day of 5th grade:

I stood in the mirror and stared at my nervous face. I had spots on my forehead and a baggy maroon polo. In my head I thought to myself "In four years I will be going to the highschool."

Well in four years I'm going to be in college. What?! How in the world did that happen? I'm freaking growing up too fast. Anyway, mom started talking to me about college and my future and it really got me thinking about what I'm going to do with my life.

Well, I want to travel. But I'm not sure how I will get enough money to do that. I want to make a change, so I'll probably go on a missions trip. I want to get married and I want kids (hopefully in that order and when I'm much older).

But what am I going to do? Well I started thinking about what I want to do:

Actress: I've always loved to act. Because I love the idea of being someone else. I could go to broadway but most of the big parts involve singing and I'm not a strong singer. Plus, I won't make a lot of money but...I love going out on stage and making people believe that I am this person.

Archeologist: History has always been my strong point. The way people lived hundreds of years ago interests me. Plus, it goes with the whole traveling thing. But it involves a lot of weak point.

Author (yes I realize that they all start with 'A's): Writing is one thing that I love doing all the time. I like the idea of creating this whole world that I can control. Bad thing is that I'm awful when I actually have to sit down and write.

I've thought of more like volunteer firewoman, photographer, movie director, hair stylist, seat filler (people who sit in famous people's seats during award shows so that no one steals their spot. Really, it's an actual job.) song writer, guitar teacher, botique owner, movie critque....tons but I've realized that I'm still a kid. I'll let myself figure it out over time. But that seat filler thing sounds pretty good :).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Creepy stalkers...ah!!!

Okay, so I'm starting to freak out. Maybe I should give the internet up because I am being freaked out by all these random online guys telling me that I'm 'cute' or 'beautiful' or 'a hottie'. I mean yeah, they're complimenting me but why them? No guy in person has ever once told me that I was beautiful!!!

Seriously, and it's not like I'm posting half naked pictures either. I'm posting pictures of me in sunday school and in church choir and in Easter dresses.
I thank them for telling me that I'm beautiful and it is nice to hear it at times but some people take it to the extreme.
Like for instance I was on Facebook IM for about an hour talking to 3 guys (just trying to be nice) and I've only met 1 of them face to face. One lives on the other side of the world, one lives in Virginia ,and the last lives where I live but he's a weirdo!

The one on the other side of the world is cool but he calls me 'beautiful' every five minutes. Then the guy in Virginia who is also pretty cool calls me 'a very, very cute Texan girl' whenever he gets the chance. They're fine, I don't have a problem with them because they're nice to talk to at times.
But the creepiest IM convo was with the weirdo guy from here:
He's says -"Hey, do I know you?"
Me -"Yes, we have known eachother our entire life and we have been in the same class almost every year since 4th grade." weirdo...
He says- "Oh yeah, what's up babe?"
Me- babe? babe? this is weird "Um...nothing? What about you?" dont call me babe again.
He says- "Just talking to this super hot chick on Facebook..." ew...
*I ingnored that and we talked a little before I couldn't take anymore*
Me- "I have to go."
He says- "Ok see ya sexy babe"
Me- "Stop calling me babe!"
**Cassidy has logged off**

Too harsh? No, not harsh enough. I do not respond well to things like that. I feel like the word 'babe' belittles women. I know it sounds all feminist but I don't like it. Don't call me babe unless I call you babe (I'm going to laugh if I get comments on this that are just like 'babe, babe, babe, babe' Lol) and for me to actually call you babe, you have to be one (Example:Taylor Lautner, Jackson Rathbone, Nick Jonas, Aaron Johnson a.k.a: TALL, DARK, AND HANDSOME).

Then on (my friend made me get one) this guy messages me and he's like "Hey babe, you wanna talk dirty? You have any naked pics? " YEAH HE SAID THAT!! Haha he must not know who he's talking to. So I replied with a message:

"No, no I do not want to. And no I do not own any. And to tell you the truth even if I did there is no way that I would send them to you because you are so VERY creepy. You should be ashamed because you are disgusting. Dont you ever ask me again. You are such a creep!"

Lol he never messaged me again.
I'm not making this to brag about my many 'crushes' because I'm not like that. I made this to kind of rant. Guys need to realize that some girls really don't like being harassed online and it's not fun. It's seriously not. It's uncomfortable and it makes you feel very unsafe. So stop.

Ah!! Sometimes is so stupid! I ordered a dance workout DVD thing on amazon because I want to tone up before school starts and IT'S TAKING FREAKING FOREVER to come in the mail!!
Don't they realize that I am on a very tight schedule? I only have a month until school starts and there is no way that I am going to lose enough weight in a month. Stupid, stupid amazon. Blah! I'm mad now :).

Okay, so I take that back amazon :) I literary got the DVD in the mail as soon as I clicked 'publish post' haha it's like they knew that I was going to diss their website.

I'll tell you what I think about the DVD later :) but right now is my favorite website.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My body, your body, their body?

What is getting extremely annoying is the fact that the media is pushing these cookie cutter girls in or faces. Many girls are slowly killing themselves to look like them. I personally want to pursue a career in acting when I get older but I might not be able to be successful because I'm not the 'size'.
Seriously nowadays there are only two types of successful: The skinny, tiny girls then the big obese women. What about us girls in the middle? Us average girls want to be famous too.
I honestly believe that every body shape is beautiful. And I mean every body shape. Skinny, Big boned, Average, Muscular, Petite...You're all beautiful!!
>Me dancing in shorts
to show that I don't care if the picture
makes me look fat. Love your body!^
"I've learned over time that if I look exactly like you, spoke exactly like you, acted exactly like you...I would be very boring."

The important thing to remember is that some girls are starving themselves to be skinny. Some girls are over eating to have 'curves'. Let's just be happy. Worrying about our weight is too much work.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The things you do for love: Screamo?

Sometimes I seriously wonder if I'm insaine. And after a hour of thinking I have finally realized that I am out of my mind.
There's this boy, lets call him Todd (his name isn't really Todd but I love that name) and I've been doing everything to get him to notice me. Even listening to his music.

He likes the screamo songs and I used to hate them. Seriously I listened to a song from his favorite band and rolled on the ground laughing. I was thinking "Why do they call this music?" I mean they played the same riff over and over, screamed the words. It's like they were actually trying to suck.Then I gave it a day and actually listened to it. And...


Can you believe it? I was so shocked that I was actually starting to like the music I used to laugh at. So I being super excited, I put it on Facebook. Guess who commented on it...Todd. Believe me, I practically screamed.

After listening to the screamo love music, one question has popped up into my mind: Does their throat hurt after they sing the songs? I mean they have too.

So in pure curiousity I grabbed my guitar and I'm writing a screamo song. Prepare it's going to go something like:

I'm just kiddinsg, the music isn't that bad. If you listen to it, good for you. 'Follow' me if you want to hear more updates about 'Todd' called 'The things you do for love.'

Learning to drive.

So I am 14. Which means that I'm only a year away from being 15. Which means that I will get my drivers permit soon. YAY!! I cannot wait until I'm 16.

But right now my parents are trying to teach me a little and I'm super excited. My parents are going to let me learn in our black Mirage. That car is pretty beat up anyway so...I wont do too much damage.
<---The Mirage. A.K.A the car that I'm going to destroy trying to learn how to drive.
Have a great day:)
Warning: if you see this car on the road...stay very far away from it.

Wonderland and tampons.

"I wonder if the angels look down on us and wonder if we're crazy."

Looks like it's another day in Texas and the summer is still slowly fading away. I have no idea when school starts and I'm not so sure that I want to know.
One thing that always comes with summer is my mom and I going 'night shopping'.
See I hate the grocery store because I get claustrophobic in well lit places (weird right?) and my mom just doesn't like other people :) so we go grocery shopping at 9 at night.
Okay so first we pull into the parking lot and it's dead empty and extremely creepy. There was a huge group of guys sitting out in front of the store. I laughed and told my mom that they look like 'gangstas' (yes I spell it like that).
They got super, super silent when we walked by and it freaked me out soI practically ran into the store.
Then after my mom took 3 HOURS to shop we go to the cash register. Of course, we were the only people in the store with a cart full of food. So that was already kind of embarrassing.

And then this REALLY REALLY cute bag boy walks up and starts putting the food into environmentaly friendly bags (yes we're tree huggers). He started talking to me about school and college and stuff (I think he thought I was older then I actually was).
Then disaster hit when he picked up a HUGE pack of tampons. Then my mom saw them and said
"I got you more this time because you went through the other pack really quickly last time."
The bag boy laughed out loud and I turned so red. It was awful.

Why must there always be cute bag boys when your mom decides to buy you a cart full of tampons?

The culprit!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Old blog posts that no one read :)

Haha you thought you didn't have to read it! But you do! If you know me then you know that I have made blogs before and just stopped in the middle because I got bored with them
Let's hope that it doesn't happen this time.
Well I was looking back on some of my old blogs and I laugh at how I used to be. Here are some that no one read.

Last year:
"I don't get why guys have to take a picture of themselves with out a shirt on. It's kind of gross. Anyway today was the last day of school and besides the annoying exams it was pretty awesome. One of my friends died their hair pink, ran around with a cape and wig was wonderful."

Alright so...I take back what I said about the guys who take pictures of themselves without their shirt is in no way gross. And that was amazing when my friend ran around in a cape...I miss him.

End of last summer:
"So summer is almost over. I got my schedule for this year today and I have an extremely hot teacher for my history class (yay). Anyway I am so excited that I can't sleep. My mom gave me a sleeping pill but I cannot go to sleep. Maybe they don't work on me. Three more days."

Haha wow I was so innocent and I had no idea what a year I was headed for. Okay number one my History teacher was 'Hot' but he was also a 'jerk' I loved him though because he was hilarious. My english teacher was WAY hotter and I think he got married this summer (boo!). Oh and about the sleeping pills 'not working' on me; I knocked out like five minutes after I wrote that blog.

Closer to the beginning of the school year:
"I don't know what I'm going to do without the 8th graders from last year. I loved them so much. I'm happy that I'm no longer a 7th grader but I'm still scared to death. I miss all the hot boys."
If I could go back and tell myself what I know now. I missed them so much and now that I'm going to see them again in a couple of months I am not as excited. A lot of the 8th graders were jerks. They were hot though. 8th grade was the best year. I wish I could start it all over again.

Ahh!!! So many memories. Trust me, there will be more blogs from me because this is my FRESHMAN YEAR. And I want to document it. So click that 'follow' button in the corner. Please? It'll be entertaining because I'm always making an idiot of myself.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Poetry and emo kids???...not true!!

You know how they say that only emo kids write poetry? Not true! I write it too.
And I'm far away from emo.
The emo kids beat me up....
ANYWAY...Yup I write poetry. But it's not exactly deep and it doesn't ryhme. It's more like little sayings that I tell myself.
"They say you can find beauty in everything. I am the
It's fun sometimes and sometimes not so much. At times it's sort of serious...hey maybe me and the emo kids aren't that different...

Operation Beautiful.

I am in love with this website. The point of Operation beautiful is to put notes in public places to remind women that they're beautiful and that they need to realize that.

The truth is that everyone has insecurities (and I'm sure I have more than everyone else) and we should all know that no one is perfect (I know that's a cliche but it's true)

Did you watch the video?
Now do you want to look at the
web site?

Amazing videos :)

Since I watched the movie Twilight Saga: Eclipse I love these videos. But I'm not really into Bella and Edward...I like Alice and Jasper. They are the best couple ever!!




I really liked the second on the best because it has ghetto videos in it where people actually went into the movie theater and recorded it with a video :).

Plus the song is very inspirational.

Volunteering is so...rewarding?

I volunteered...or should I say my grandmother volunteered me at the library. Don't get me wrong I love volunteering but...

Actually it's pretty nice volunteering there. We read to children about different continents and make crafts and play games and usually it's pretty great.

But yesterday was awful! Oh my gosh! Our continent this week was Antartica. We made little snowglobes and penguins and polar bears. They were adorable. But there was this little girl who wanted to do a polar bear but there weren't any left.

So I had to tell "There aren't any left." but the little girl didn't believe me because her brother got one five minutes ago when we had them. She gave me this long speech about how she deserved a polar bear. I had to repeat "There aren't any left." and she rolled on the floor crying. CRYING. I felt so bad.

THEN this guy who was doing crafts with me wouldn't stop talking. He followed me around which I was trying to avoid because there was this really hot guy that I wanted to talk to. Like really hot. But the annoying guy wouldn't stop talking to me. He kept talking and talking and talking and...

Finally I told him "If you don't stop talking I will stab you with these safty scissors!"

But he didn't listen to me. Maybe, I'm not very scary.

Hot guy of the week!

Jackson Rathbone is the hotest guy this week. He plays Jasper Hale in the new Twilight Seris and is in other movies like The Last Airbender, Dread, or Hurt. When he's not acting, he's playing with his band '100 Monkeys'. He is my overall number 1 celebrity crush.

I mean just look at him :)

Summer...why must it end??

You know what I just saw? A BACK TO SCHOOL COMMERCIAL! Seriously? Is summer really almost over? It can't be. I mean I was just getting used to the fact that it was summer and now it's ending? THAT BoldSUCKS.
I don't want to go to school when fall comes. This was my last summer before freshman year and I really didn't have all that much fun. I stayed at home a lot, went to other people's houses once or twice. Yeah, maybe I went to go see a movie or somthing but...


I seriously want to do something stupid before I'm cursed to a life of worrying about my popularity in highschool.
Maybe, I could sneak out. Yeah! But where will I go? I can walk down the street and get a slushie...that's about it...great.
Great things about Summer 2010:

Floss, noses, and remembering the ones you love.

Stanggee things about Mwah (is that how you spell it?)

We all realize that there's ssomthing not exactly normal in all of us. Well guess what
I mean seriously...I must be a freak. But a cool freak...right?
Anyway so here are SOME of the strange things that have happened over my life:

1. When I was 5 years old I got my hair stuck in a grocery cart wheel, it ripped a huge chunk of hair out of my head. I couldn't feel it and I didn't cry!! Can we say superhero?

2. I got boobs in kindergarten. Yeah, be jealous.

3. The first night I started Karate I ranked up.

4. The first time I said a cuss word was at church.

5. I cheated once on a spelling test and I felt so guilty that I had to tell my teacher.

Yeah, just a little strange. But I'm sure everyone has stories about weird things....right? I'm not the only one...right?

My cousin and I when we were little.

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